Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don't Throw Those Scallion Roots Away!

When I read in the November/December 2012 issue of Cook's Illustrated that you could regrow scallion greens by just placing the roots in water and giving them sunlight, I had to give it a try. I made shepherd's pie (from the same issue of Cook's Illustrated) and had some scallion ends left over. I placed them in a glass, added about an inch of water, and put them on my kitchen windowsill, which gets a lot of morning sun.

Sure enough, the scallions grew - and quick! You can see the progress in the timeline below. After 6 days, I had almost full grown scallions. They new growth tasted great - incredibly fresh and full of flavor!

If you use scallions a lot, give this technique a try! Leave a comment describing how it worked for you.